If you've saved a recorded ride in the Trailforks app, but it has not shown up in the "My Ridelogs" section on the Trailforks.com website, it may be because there was an issue uploading the ride.
Force Sync
First, try logging out of the Trailforks app and logging back into the app on your mobile device. This should force a sync of any ridelogs in the queue.
If you've recorded a ride and it's not appearing in your logs, it's likely still in the queue to be synced and will be uploaded soon. However, if you're experiencing any syncing issues, you can also try the manual sync.
Manual Sync
To perform a manual sync, open the drop-down menu in the Trailforks app. Under Settings, go to Manual Sync. Pull down on the screen, and you should see spinning circles on the right-hand side of the sync options letting you know that the manual sync is taking place.
Please refrain from deleting and reinstalling the app while waiting for the ridelogs to sync, as this may result in the loss of your data.
You can view your local data and recording history from the app by following these steps:
1. Go to the app's menu --> settings --> manual sync.
2. Tap on "Update Queued Activities: Photos & Reports."
3. Under the options that pull up from the bottom menu, select 'List.'
4. From each activity in the list, you can tap on a specific activity and choose the option to either sync or delete the data.