With the device hub, you will be able to connect your device and record your activities or rides through your device. The device hub allows you to sync your activities with your activity log in Trailforks.
Connect Your Device
After signing in, navigate to your Settings under your Profile dropdown. Under Settings, you will see the option for 'Connections.' Here, you will have the option to connect a device, such as a Garmin watch, or your Strava account.
Note: The Strava to Trailforks sync has been popular, too popular! There can be long delays for your Strava activity to sync to Trailforks as it sits in a queue. If you have a Trailforks Pro subscription or are a large content contributor to Trailforks, your activities will be bumped to the top of the queue.
Important: If you use a Garmin device, connect your Garmin account directly to Trailforks. There is no queue with Garmin syncing!
You can also sync your activity to Strava. The direction of syncing will occur as Garmin -> Trailforks -> Strava.
Choose Brand Affiliation
When you walk through the steps to connect your device, you will have the option to choose a brand affiliation that your device is connected with: Gaia GPS, Trailforks, or Outside.
Depending on the brand affiliation you choose, activities automatically ingested into the feed from connecting your device will be published under that brand. If you choose Trailforks as your brand affiliation for your device, activities recorded via the Garmin device and published to the feed will show as Trailforks tracks.
Note: If you choose Gaia GPS as your brand affiliation, and ALSO Sync Activities to Gaia GPS, your tracks or activities via your Garmin device will appear as Gaia GPS affiliated and will appear in your Gaia GPS device as tracks.
However, if you choose Trailforks as your brand affiliation, but also sync activities to Gaia GPS, you may see duplication in what uploads to your feed and appears in the Gaia GPS app. You may see ridelogs or tracks appear twice in your feed and across platforms. To avoid duplication, choose one mapping app affiliation and syncing status per device you sync.
Further Device Hub Connected Settings
You can see further settings for your device connections here. If you have connected both a Garmin device AND your Strava account, you should see one track with two icons (a blue triangle to designate a Garmin device connection and a red icon to designate a Strava account connection).
Publish to the Feed
For any synced activities through a connected device, those activities should be automatically ingested into the feed per your device hub settings. For more information on what is published to the feed, please see this article.
You can view your activity log through your connected device via Manage Your Data. Your most recent ridelogs or activities should appear here for your connected devices as long as you have accurately connected your device or account.
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