If you would like to cancel your subscription renewal, you may do so by signing into the account you used to originally subscribe to Trailforks Pro or Trailforks Pro with Outside+. This may be through your Apple Account, Google Play Account, or, if you purchased directly from Trailforks, your Trailforks account.
Trailforks Pro and Trailforks Pro with Outside+ subscriptions are renewed annually. If you choose to cancel your subscription, it will stay active until your renewal date, but your account will not automatically renew for another year.
Cancel Auto-Renewal on iOS:
1. Open the Settings app on your device.
2. Tap your name.
3. Tap Subscriptions.
4. Tap your Trailforks Pro or Pro with Outside+ subscription.
5. Tap Cancel Subscription.
Cancel Auto-Renewal on Android:
1. Open the Google Play app on your device.
2. At the top right, tap the profile icon.
3. Tap Payments & subscriptions > Subscriptions.
4. Select your Trailforks Pro subscription.
5. Tap Cancel Subscription.
6. Follow the instructions.
Cancel Auto-Renewal on Web:
1. Select the Profile Icon.
2. Select Settings.
3. Select Pro Subscription
4. Select Cancel.
Immediate Cancellation
If you have a membership from the Apple App Store and you would like to request an immediate cancellation following a purchase or renewal, you will have to contact the Apple support team directly. We do not have the ability to provide immediate cancellations or refunds for any purchases made via the Apple App store.
If you have a Trailforks Pro or Pro with Outside+ membership purchased on trailforks.com or on the GooglePlay Store and you would like to request an immediate cancellation following a purchase or renewal, please contact our support team here.
If you choose to cancel your membership immediately, you will not have access to your membership through the remainder of the payment period. Your membership will be cancelled immediately.
Changing Memberships
If you have a Free Account and would like to upgrade to a Trailforks Pro membership, please see this article.
If you have a Trailforks Pro membership and would like to upgrade to a Trailforks Pro with Outside+ membership, please see this article.
If you have a Trailforks Pro with Outside+ membership and would like a Trailforks Pro stand-alone membership, please follow the instructions below based on how you originally purchased your membership:
If you have a membership from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, you will need to cancel the auto-renewal of your current membership by following the relevant steps here:
If you have a Trailforks Pro with Outside+ membership purchased on trailforks.com, you will need to cancel the auto-renewal of your current membership:
To cancel your Trailforks Pro or Pro with Outside+ subscription purchased directly through Trailforks, please do so via the Trailforks website.
1. Select the Profile Icon.
2. Select Settings.
3. Select Pro Subscription
4. Select Cancel.
Once you have cancelled the auto-renewal of your current Trailforks Pro with Outside+ membership, you can purchase the Trailforks stand-alone membership here.
Note: Depending on when your membership renewed or is set to renew, you may have two memberships running at the same time. If your membership recently renewed, please see above instructions for immediate cancellation of your Trailforks Pro with Outside+ membership.
If you have cancelled the auto-renewal of your Pro with Outside+ membership, we advise waiting until your current membership runs out before purchasing the stand-alone Trailforks Pro membership.
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