If your account is new, please ensure that you have activated your new account with the email sent on registration.
Before logging into your Trailforks app, first check if you are able to login to the Trailforks website here.
Trailforks and Pinkbike accounts have been migrated to be Outside accounts. Your Trailforks/Pinkbike email address and password will also be your Outside credentials. When you create a Trailforks/Pinkbike account, you are also creating an Outside account.
Your Outside profile will reflect your Trailforks username and email address. You will use the same password to log into your Outside account and your Trailforks account.
If you are having trouble logging in, please try resetting your password through the Trailforks reset password feature. If you have reset your password for your Trailforks account, this will reset your password for your Outside account as well.
You can have up to 5 personal devices active on your subscription when logged in with the same Trailforks account.
If your Trailforks account is not reflecting your purchase of either a Trailforks Pro or Trailforks Pro with Outside+ subscription, please try restoring your subscription.
Account changes such as changing your password, changing your email, or changing your basic profile info is synced to your Outside profile.
Note: There may be a delay in syncing information across platforms. If you do not see your photo, username, or privacy settings syncing across platforms, you may have to update each platform individually. Importantly, please ensure that you have your privacy settings on each platform set to your preferred visibility and privacy.
If you need support with your Outside account or have questions about Outside, please visit the Outside Help Center.