Here, we'll show you how to report or flag a photo on In the event a photo is incorrect, abusive, or inappropriate, you can report the photo, and a Trailforks admin will un-tag the photo from the trail or region.
If a photo or video is mis-tagged, or you want to flag a photo or video, you can click on the photo or video from the trail page itself, and click on 'flag trail photo' or 'flag video.'
This will bring you to a new page that allows you to fill out the details of why you are flagging the photo or video. A member of the Trailforks team will review your submission and make appropriate changes.
The video below demonstrates the steps above:
Note: the functionalities shown in the video may differ slightly from the UX offered in the app today. The app and website have undergone a number of release updates, and if you have kept your Trailforks app up-to-date, you should see a more updated version of many of these functions shown in the video. We have kept the video up on our help center as it still serves to show users the many features that Trailforks offers!